Monday, October 7, 2013

It's supposed to snow next week.  That's what I'm told.  Tracting in the snow....hmm....
Who loved conference?!  MEEEEEE!!!!!!!
I could write a whole post about the different talks, but I shan't.  I just talk about a few.  Who didn't love Uchtdorf's talk?  I think it should be a requirement for all investigators to read it.  And Ballard's talk about missionary work?  I know what you're thinking, "well you're a missionary.  Of course you're going to love it."  True, but it was so fresh and new.  And EVERY MEMBER A MISSIONARY!!!  So what now?  Read it, study it, apply it.  Faith is action!!!!
The list goes on, but I'm going to say just go watch conference yourself.
Last week was a slow one so not a lot of exciting new people, just some exciting old people!
First, Glennis has been calling us with daily updates on her reading.  Then on Friday she called us and told us she was halfway through Mosiah and, get this, that she's starting to believe that the Book of Mormon is truly the word of God!  She told us that it's been staring her in the face this whole time.  LOVE IT!!!
Second, Claudia.  Oh Claudia.  So we haven't taught her in about a month and a half and haven't had contact with her in over two weeks.  We were worried.  Now she was out of town for a while and then trying to catch up on clients (she's a massage therapist), so she was busy.  We stopped by her house on Saturday to let her now that conference was going on.  She invited us in right away and told us she had just finished watching the Relief Society broadcast and how much it choked her up and that she was recording conference and she was coming to church next Sunday.................. Yah, that just happened.  We were floored.  And so excited!  Her trip was to Arizona and she stopped and saw her member son for a brief moment and told him that she was meeting with the missionaries and had tons of questions for him.  So even though we weren't in contact with her, she still had the church in her life. 
Until next Monday,
Sister Trop

James, an investigator let me ride in the firetruck.  He is a captain at the Edwardsville firestation.

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