Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Blog Post 9/9

Hello from Illinois!  Boy is it humid!  The past week was not bad at all.  Kind of hot, but not as humid as the previous week.  Today though we've had a few storms so it's like I'm walking through a vat of pudding.
Sister Felt and I have really been working on improving the area.  We've been trying to contact more less actives to help build up the ward.  We've decided bringing them some sort of chocolatey goodness was the way to go.  So far, we don't get in much.  But we did just find out that some less actives have actually requested missionaries!  Woo hoo!  We also do a lot of member visits.  Just trying to build up relationships and trust with the members of the ward.  (P.S. give missionaries referrals!  They love it!!!  Member referrals are always the most effective because they have an automatic fellowshipper in that member.)
We have a new investigator and she has the strongest testimony ever!  I don't remember if I wrote about her, but we found her tracting in a trailor park.  We knocked on her door and she said that she wasn't feeling well.  She was about to shut the door when we told her we were missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  She opened her door, came out, sat down on her steps, and asked us if we prayed for people.  We told her that we do and with tears in her eyes, she asked us to pray for her.  She continued to explain that she had had cancer twice and that she noticed a new lump forming and also that she had hurt herself earlier that day trying to move something.  She was having a hard time breathing.  She then went on to bear her testimony to us about how God knows us, loves us, and how we have a purpose on this earth.  About how our purpose here is to align our will with God's.  I have never heard a stronger testimony.  We prayed together and she stood right up and took a deep breath!  She was amazed as were we!  We've gone back multiple times to teach her and each time, I am amazed at how close of a relationship she has with Heavenly Father.  On Sunday the 1st, I invited her to be baptized.  Eek!  My first invitation to be baptized extended!  I was so excited and knew that I was supposed to ask her.  She said, holding the Book of Mormon close to her chest, "As soon as I know."  We go back regularly not only to teach, but also just to read the Book of Mormon with her.  The amount of personal revelation she receives is astonishing.  I'm so excited for her to read more and to learn that this is the true gospel restored to this earth.  She told us the other day that she had been praying recently to know the truth.  She's read so many different versions of the Bible and has been to so many different churches, but none of them have fit.  She truly has been prepared.  It's amazing to see it the Lord's work unfold.
Last Monday was Labor Day and we decided to have a big zone p day!!  We went into St Louis to the City Museum.  For those of you who have not heard about the City Museum, go look up pictures right now!  It's basically a giant jungle gym for people of all ages!  It was built in an old building using only recycled materials.  They have slides made out of old air conditioning duct work, walkways out of rebar, and walls made out of old railroad spikes.  They also have to fighter jets outside that you can climb through.  The slides were probably my favorite part.  There was a ten story slide and one outside that went really fast.  They had an outdoor part that reminded me of the Lost Boy's treehouse in Hook.  I should be getting pictures that other missionaries took at a later date.  I'll make sure they get posted.  It was so much fun, if you are ever in St Louis, go there!!  Then we went and got smoothies and there was a big group of teenagers outside.  One of the sisters I was with started talking to them and telling them about the church.  They weren't really interested, but then they saw my shirt (I was wearing a Doctor Who tshirt) and they thought that was pretty cool.  Then as we came back out the asked us if anyone one of us was into anime.  I told them I used to really be into Full Metal Alchemist.  All of a sudden I was being bombarded by youths.  They were hugging me and then wanted to get a picture with me.  It was the funniest coolest thing.  I then told them by and told them to check out mormon.org.  They were a lot more eager that time to find out about the church. 
So basically, this mission is awesome.  I'm loving it, even on the days when we don't really come into contact with anyone who's interested.  It's all about planting the seed!!
Until next time,
Sister Trop
P.S.  I've been told a few times I do well in East St Louis.  I definitely don't think so and luckily I won't find out because they don't send sisters there.

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